Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Abkhazia in the news

Abkhazia is located on the east side of the Black Sea.

Abkhazia is in the news lately.

Abkhazia is technically part of Georgia right now. But practically it is a "de facto" independent republic without international recognition. Very interesting ;-)

Things are quite dynamic in Georgia and Abkhazia.

International news reports recently carried video that allegedly shows a Russian Mig-29 aircraft shooting a missile at an un-manned Georgian Reconnaissance drone.

It is the formal position of this blog to remain politically neutral. We are just flying above the fractal boundary making observations. You can check out the video yourself and come to your own conclusions.

More on the situation in Abkhazia later. This is just an example of how "lively" the Black Sea region really is today.

Check out this "silhouette" image showing the location of Abkhazia relative to the Black Sea and Georgia.
The light green area is Georgia. The dark green area is Abkhazia with the red circle around it.

The Black Sea is shown in white in this image and the Caspian and the Med are also.

Did you know that the 2014 Winter Olympic games are scheduled to be held in the city of Sochi, Russian Federation??? Sochi is just up the coast from Ahbkazia.

Fractal boundaries. Sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Non-linear dynamics. The creative natural interface. The Black Sea generates a complex and mysterious fragrance.

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