Monday, May 26, 2008

Bosporus Strait

The Black Sea has only one outlet. It is the Bosporus Strait.

This image shows a close up view of the entire length of the Bosporus.

The Black Sea is at the top of the image.

The Sea of Marmara is at the bottom of the image.

If you click on the image you can zoom in and see other details like the City of Istanbul in Turkey and several bridges the span the Bosporus.

 You can also see the wakes from several ships in the upper part of the image as they navigate the strait into the Black.

The thing I find most interesting about the Bosporus is that the water is stratified. There is an upper layer and a lower layer. The upper layer is much less salty than the lower layer that gets it's salt from the Mediterranean.

The really weird thing is that the lower salty layer flows INTO the Black Sea and the upper less saline layer is where most of the water in the Black Sea flows out.

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